Curriculum Intent
At Birkby Infant and Nursery School we offer a broad academic curriculum that is underpinned by our four key aims.
- Every child a reader: A reading-rich curriculum which enhances learning, supports the development of communication skills and results in the acquisition of knowledge which is retained, so that pupils know more, remember more and learn more.
- Being good citizens: A curriculum which celebrates difference, develops an understanding of right and wrong, and which ensures pupils develop a strong moral compass.
- A love for learning and being curious: A curriculum that is exciting and engaging, which challenges children to think, question, problem solve and reason and offers hands on experiences.
- Learning behaviours for success: A curriculum which nurtures the learning behaviours that will help children to succeed: Independence; Resilience; Motivation; Being reflective; Creativity.
End of Year Expectations for Year Two
The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.
All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching.
Any extra support you can provide in helping your children with maths, reading and writing will be greatly beneficial and valued.
By the end of Year Two, your child will be able to:
- Compare and order numbers up to 100
- Read and write all numbers to 100 in digits & words.
- Say 10 more/less than any number to 100.
- Count in steps of 2, 3 & 5 from zero and in 10s from any number (forwards and backwards).
- Recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and 10 tables.
- Recall and use +/- facts to 20.
- Derive and use related facts to 100.
- Recognise place value of any 2-digit number.
- Add and subtract:
2-digit numbers and ones
2-digit numbers and tens
Two 2-digit numbers
Three 1-digit numbers
- Recognise and use inverse (+/-).
- Calculate and write multiplication and division calculations using multiplication tables.
- Recognise, find, name and write 1/3; 1/4; 2/4; 3/4.
- Write and recognise equivalence of simple fractions.
- Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to.
By the end of Year Two, your child will be able to:
- Secure with year group phonic expectations.
- Recognise simple recurring literary language.
- Read ahead to help with fluency and expression.
- Comment on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories.
- Recount main themes and events.
- Comment on structure of the text.
- Use commas, question marks and exclamation marks to vary expression.
- Read aloud with expression and intonation.
- Recognise: commas in lists, apostrophe of omission and possession (singular noun).
- Identify past/present tense and why the writer has used a tense.
- Use content and index to locate information.
By the end of Year Two, your child will be able to:
- Write different kinds of sentence: statement, question, exclamation, command.
- Use expanded noun phrases to add description and specification
- Write using subordination (when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (or, and, but).
- Correct and consistent use of present tense & past tense.
- Correct use of verb tenses.
- Write with correct and consistent use of: capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks.
- Use commas in a list.
- Use apostrophe to mark omission and singular possession in nouns.
- Write under headings.
- Write lower case letters correct size relative to one another.
- Show evidence of diagonal and horizontal strokes to join handwriting.