- Twinkl: Create educational resources that can be used at each step of a child’s learning journey. Setting this up is really easy to do – go to:
- https://www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
- Maths Times tables Rockstars and Number bots:
- Logins for these have been provided for your children (in Year 1 & 2)
- https://play.ttrockstars.com/login/28485
- https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login/28485
- Oliver Jeffers storytime:
- Website listing education companies offering free subscriptions due to schools closings:
- Literacy and numeracy games:
- Range of subjects – some excellent games and a great 10-minute daily maths challenge activity
- Free online reading books
- Science activities
- PE
- Numberblocks – If adults add numberblocks to their facebook account there are activities for them to do every day including craft ideas.
- BBC Primary Teaching Resources